Artarmon Public School

Harmony Synergy Excellence

Telephone02 9411 1950

Meet the school community

Artarmon Public School is a culturally and geographically diverse school community. Our school's parents and citizens' association (P&C) strives to provide many opportunities for people in our school community to meet and get to know each other better.  These include several large events and smaller gatherings throughout the year. Take a look at the upcoming P&C events.

Social and fundraising events

The social and fundraising committee is traditionally made up of Year 3 parents, organises a number of events that all Artarmon families are invited to attend.  These are determined by the committee each year but can include events such as a fete, movie nights, social nights, and other ideas the committee comes up with.

There are a couple of events that the committee run with the school each year and these are:

Open Day (Education Week) and Grandparents' Day

This is usually held one day in Term 3 and offers families and grandparents the chance to see their children and grandchildren in their classrooms. At these school led events, musical entertainment is provided by the school band and strings groups, followed by a morning tea organised by the social and fundraising committee.

Carols Night

The Artarmon Public School bands, strings ensembles, and choirs combine on a Friday night each December to lead our school community in the annual carols night. The social and fundraising committee support the night with food and drinks. It's a fun night to end the year.

Drop and Chat

The multicultural committee organises regular drop 'n' chat sessions at the school where people from diverse backgrounds can come together to meet each other. These sessions are usually also attended by some school staff. 

Class gatherings

Class parents organise regular class and year dinners and play events for children and their families to meet outside the school. Speak to your child's teacher if you don't know the class parents for your child's class.


Volunteering of course is one of the best ways to meet people and get to know them better, so find out how you can help, even in a small way in your P&C.