Artarmon Public School

Harmony Synergy Excellence

Telephone02 9411 1950


The strings program plays an important part in the musical life of Artarmon Public School. There are 4 ensembles: training strings, junior strings, concert strings and senior strings which involve 170 students. The program is run by the director, Adrian Mansukhani, and is available to students in Years 3 to 6.

Interested in joining a string ensemble?

Students from Years 3 to 6 are given the opportunity to join a string ensemble. Violins, cellos, and double basses are available to hire through the Strings Committee. There are annual tryouts in Term 4 for Year 2 and Year 3 students who are interested in learning a string instrument. The strings program is coordinated by the Strings Committee which is made up of parent volunteers. These parents give their time generously to coordinate instrument hire, finances, tutors, concerts, and special events.


All students in the string ensembles are required to have a weekly private lesson either with one of the professional tutors at school or a tutor outside of school.


All string ensembles perform at the strings' Mother's Day concert, the bi-annual strings concert, and bi-annual The Concourse concert, and at Carols Night. In addition, senior strings perform for Kindergarten Orientation, OC orientation and junior and senior strings perform at the Open Day and Grandparents' Day.

Competitions and festivals

Our ensembles perform at festivals and competitions, such as the Sydney Eisteddfod. Festivals and competitions are usually held during Terms 2 and 3; some are during school hours and some may be on weekends.

Need more information or want to apply?


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